Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Hey Everyonee!

No big news from Disney currently, but i thought i'd just say Happy Holidays to anyone who's reading this! I've been receiving a few e-mails from Kristen over the week, just asking if i wanted to participate in the e-mail chain, and then i received everyones e-mails. It got me really excited because i remember it last time so well. Wont start sending out e-mails until the new year and when we've got are interview dates! That should be it for now,
So i hope all of you have a fantastic holiday and bring in the new year while having fun! My Christmas and New Years last year were fantastic, and amazing, and couldn't have asked for a better one! Here's to a great year upcoming year!! (hopefully at Disney!)

Take Caree,
xox - Sam

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